Computational Geometry

The European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG) is an annual, informal workshop that combines a strong scientific tradition with a friendly and informal atmosphere. The workshop is a forum where established researchers and students can meet, discuss their work, present their results, and establish scientific collaborations. The goal is to present recent results and to identify and explore directions for future research. EuroCG does not have proceedings; the abstracts of accepted presentations are available on the website of the corresponding year, and should be regarded as preprints.

EuroCG does not have any formal organizational structure. Decisions about the venues for future years or about changes to the established processes are taken via votes at the business meeting. At EuroCG 2024, the task force preparing the CG Society presented the plans for the Society and the possibilities for EuroCG at the business meeting. On Thursday, March 14, 2024 a vote was held by secret ballot on the question “Does EuroCG want to be organized as an event of the CG Society?” The results were 63 votes in favor, 10 votes against, and 1 blank vote. Correspondingly, starting in 2025, EuroCG will be organized as an event of the CG Society.