Computational Geometry

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Starting from 2015, the proceedings are available via LIPIcs:
2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015

Earlier proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library, provided you or your institution has a subscription or you pay per article.

Proceedings chairs

Program committee

40th SoCG (2024)


39th SoCG (2023)

38th SoCG (2022)

37th SoCG (2021)

36th SoCG (2020)

35th SoCG (2019)

34th SoCG (2018)

33rd SoCG (2017)

32nd SoCG (2016)

31st SoCG (2015)

30th SoCG (2014)

29th SoCG (2013)

28th SoCG (2012)

27th SoCG (2011)

26th SoCG (2010)

25th SoCG (2009)

24th SoCG (2008)

23th SoCG (2007)

22th SoCG (2006)

21th SoCG (2005)

20th SoCG (2004)

19th SoCG (2003)

18th SoCG (2002)

17th SoCG (2001)

  • Applied Track

  • Nancy Amato (Texas A)
  • Karl Böhringer (U Washington, Seattle)
  • Franca Gianini (IMA, Genova)
  • Lutz Kettner (UNC Chapel Hill)
  • Dan Halperin (Applied Track chair) (Tel Aviv U)
  • Kurt Mehlhorn (MPII, Saarbrücken)
  • Mark Overmars (Utrecht U)
  • Seth Teller (MIT)
  • Peter Widmayer (ETH Zürich)
  • Mariette Yvinec (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
  • Theory Track

  • Boris Aronov (Polytechnic U, Brooklyn)
  • Otfried Cheong (Utrecht U)
  • Jesús De Loera (UC Davis)
  • David Eppstein (Theory Track chair) (UC Irvine)
  • Sariel Har-Peled (UI Urbana Champaign)
  • Piotr Indyk (MIT)
  • Edgar A. Ramos (MPII Saarbrücken)
  • Ileana Streinu (Smith College)

16th SoCG (2000)

  • Applied Track

  • Gill Barequet (Technion)
  • Steven Fortune (Applied Track chair) (Bell Labs)
  • Chris Gold (Laval U.)
  • Ken Goldberg (Berkeley)
  • Scott Mitchell (Sandia Labs)
  • Tom Peters (U. Conn.)
  • Jean Ponce (UIUC)
  • Stefan Schirra (MPI)
  • Subhash Suri (Wash. U.)
  • Theory Track

  • Pankaj K. Agarwal (Theory Track chair) (Duke)
  • Franz Aurenhammer (Graz)
  • Mark de Berg (Utrecht)
  • Herbert Edelsbrunner (Duke)
  • Jeff Erickson (UIUC)
  • Hazel Everett (Montreal)
  • Klara Kedem (Ben Gurion)

15th SoCG (1999)

  • Applied Track

  • Pankaj Agarwal (Duke)
  • Nina Amenta (U Texas)
  • Amy Briggs (Middlebury College)
  • John Canny (Applied Track chair) (Berkeley)
  • David Dobkin (Princeton)
  • Dan Halperin (Tel Aviv)
  • Yan-Bin Jia (Carnegie-Mellon)
  • Lydia Kavraki (Rice)
  • Jean-Claude Latombe (Stanford)
  • Dinesh Pai (U British Columbia)
  • Jonathan Shewchuk (Berkeley)
  • Jack Snoeyink (U British Columbia)
  • Frank van der Stappen (Utrecht)
  • Theory Track

  • Marshall Bern (Theory Track chair) (Xerox PARC)
  • Herve Bronnimann (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
  • Timothy Chan (U Miami)
  • David Eppstein (UC-Irvine)
  • Bernd Gärtner (ETH Zürich)
  • Jacob E. Goodman (City College, CUNY)
  • Anna Lubiw (U Waterloo)

14th SoCG (1998)

  • Applied Track

  • Marshall Bern (Xerox Parc)
  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (Applied Track chair) (INRIA)
  • Fred Bookstein (Univ. of Michigan)
  • Tamal Dey (I.I.T. Kharagpur)
  • Gershon Elber (Technion)
  • Steve Fortune (Bell Labs)
  • Randy Franklin (RPI)
  • Ken Goldberg (Berkeley)
  • Leo Guibas (Stanford Univ.)
  • Christoph Hoffmann (Purdue Univ.)
  • Dinesh Manocha (UNC)
  • Nick Patrikalakis (MIT)
  • Jarek Rossignac (GVU/Georgia Tech)
  • Francois Sillion (Imag)
  • Steven Skiena (SUNY at Stony Brook)
  • Theory Track

  • Chandrajit Bajaj (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
  • Bernard Chazelle (Princeton)
  • Ken Clarkson (Theory Track chair) (Bell Labs)
  • John Hershberger (Mentor Graphics)
  • Jirí Matousek (Charles Univ.)
  • Mark Overmars (Utrecht Univ)
  • János Pach (New York, Budapest)
  • Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv Univ.)
  • Michiel Smid (Univ. Magdeburg)
  • Steve Vavasis (Cornell Univ.)
  • Mariette Yvinec (CNRS, I3S)

13th SoCG (1997)

  • Applied Track

  • Bernard Chazelle
  • Jung-Hong Chuang
  • David Dobkin
  • Gerald Farin
  • Christoph Hoffmann (Applied Track chair)
  • Ming Lin
  • Joe Mitchell
  • Nick Patrikalakis
  • Franco Preparata
  • Jarek Rossignac
  • Hans Peter Seidel
  • Vadim Shapiro
  • Tamas Varady
  • Theory Track

  • Nina Amenta
  • Tetsuo Asano
  • Ken Clarkson
  • David Kirkpatrick
  • David Mount
  • Stefan Näher
  • Richard Pollack
  • Claude Puech
  • Günter Rote
  • Otfried Schwarzkopf
  • Raimund Seidel (Theory Track chair)

12th SoCG (1996)

11th SoCG (1995)

10th SoCG (1994)

9th SoCG (1993)

8th SoCG (1992)

7th SoCG (1991)

6th SoCG (1990)

5th SoCG (1989)

4th SoCG (1988)

3rd SoCG (1987)

2nd SoCG (1986)

1st SoCG (1985)