ICFEM 2004 -- Call for Papers, Tutorials, Workshops, Seattle, USA

ICFEM2004 hzheng at semdesigns.com
Sun Mar 14 14:30:45 PST 2004

ICFEM 2004 CALL FOR PAPERS, and Tutorials, Workshops 
[apologies for multiple copies]
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Sixth International Conference on 
Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2004), 

November 8-12, 2004, Seattle,USA


Important Dates: 
   Submission of paper:        15th May 2004 
   Notification of acceptance: 1st July 2004 
   Final copy for Proceedings: 1st August 2004
   Conference:                 8-12 November, 2004

Tutorials, Workshops:
   Submission of Proposals: 1 June 2004 
   Acceptance notification: 30 June 2004 

Formal engineering methods are changing the way that systems are 
developed. With language and tool support, these methods are being 
used for semi-automatic code generation, and for the automatic 
abstraction and checking of implementations. In the future, they 
will be used at every stage of development: requirements, 
specification, design, implementation, testing, and documentation.

ICFEM 2004 aims to bring together those interested in the 
application of formal engineering methods to computer systems. 
Researchers and practitioners, from industry, academia, and government, 
are encouraged to attend, and to help advance the state of the art. 
We are interested in work that has been incorporated into real 
production systems, and in theoretical work that promises to bring 
practical, tangible benefit.

Any submissions whose content is relevant to the field of formal 
engineering methods will be considered, but submissions whose subject 
matter is related to one of the following themes will be 
particularly welcome:

  * applications in 
      o model-based development and code generation
      o testing and test-case generation
      o real-time, hybrid, and critical systems
      o service-based architectures
  * techniques for 
      o verification and validation 
      o model checking 
      o theorem proving 
      o automatic abstraction and refinement 
  * links with 
      o object modelling and the model-driven architecture 
      o development methodologies 
      o tool environments 
      o emerging technologies 

Since ICFEM addresses a heterogeneous audience, potential authors are 
strongly encouraged to make their ideas as accessible as possible. 
In addition, reports of case studies should have a conceptual message, 
theory papers should have a clear link to application, and papers 
describing tools should include an account of practical results. 
The ICFEM 2004 Program Committee selects original technical papers 
for publication in the proceedings of the conference to be published 
by Springer in its Lecturer Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Important Dates: 
   Submission of paper:        15th May 2004 
   Notification of acceptance: 1st July 2004 
   Final copy for Proceedings: 1st August 2004
   Conference:                 8-12 November, 2004

Satellite Events (Tutorials, Workshops):
   Submission of Proposals: 1 June 2004 
   Acceptance notification: 30 June 2004
   Events:                  8-9 November, 2004


Conference Chair
Dines Bjørner            Technical University of Denmark, DK
Program Co-Chairs 
Jim Davies               Oxford University, UK
Wolfram Schulte          Microsoft Research, US

Local Organization
Mike Barnett             Microsoft Research, US

Satellite Event Chair
Hongjun Zheng            Semantic Designs, US
Program Committee
Adnan Aziz               University of  Texas, US
Richard Banach           University of Manchester, Uk
Egon Börger              University Pisa, IT
Jonathan Bowen           South Bank University, UK
Manfred Broy             University of Munich, GE
Michael Butler           University of Southampton, UK
Ana Cavalcanti           University of Kent, UK
Dan Craigen              ORA, CA
Jin Song Dong            National University of Singapore, SG
Matthew Dwyer            Kansas State University, US
John Fitzgerald          University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
David Garlan             Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US
Thomas Jensen            IRISA/CNRS Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, FR
Jim Larus                Microsoft Research, US
Mark Lawford             McMaster University, CA
Huimin Lin               Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing, CH
Peter Lindsay            University of Queensland, AU
Shaoying Liu             Hosei University,  JP
Zhiming Liu              UNU/IIST, Macau SAR, China
Brendan Mahony           Department of Defense, AU
Marc Frappier            Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, CA
William Bradley Martin   National Security Agency, US
David Notkin             University of Washington, US
Jeff Offutt              George Mason University, US
Harald Ruess             Computer Science Laboratory , SRI, US
Augusto Sampaio          Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR
Thomas Santen            German NRC for Information Technology, GE
Doug Smith               Kestrel Institute, US
Graeme Smith             The University of Queensland, AU
Paul A. Swatman          Stuttgart Inst. of Man & Tech, GE
Sofiene Tahar            Concordia, CA
T.H. Tse                 University of Hong Kong, CH
Yi Wang                  Uppsala University, SE
Farn Wang                National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jeannette Wing           University of Carnegie Mellon, US
Jim Woodcock             University of Kent, UK

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