ICALP2002: accepted papers and preliminary program
icalp2002 at informatica.uma.es
icalp2002 at informatica.uma.es
Thu Mar 21 19:19:45 PST 2002
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm sending you the following information:
-the list of accepted papers for ICALP'2002 (an HTML table
with two columns; authors and title)
-the preliminary program of ICALP'2002 is available on
(and on the "news" of ICALP2002 pages: http://www.lcc.uma.es/ICALP2002)
-the preliminary program of the satellite event "Global Computing"
(in the same link).
I consider that this conference can be of your interest.
The registration will be open in a few days.
Best regards,
Rafael Morales
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