CBMS conference in Denton

Farhad Shahrokhi farhad at cs.unt.edu
Thu Feb 21 19:39:53 PST 2002

         NSF/CBMS Regional Research Conference 
              in Mathematical Sciences on 

                May 28 - June 1, 2002
          University of North Texas, Denton 

The Computer Science Department at the University of North 
Texas will host an NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conference in 
Mathematical Sciences on Geometric Graph Theory from May 28 
to June 1, 2002. The principal speaker will be Professor 
JANOS PACH of City College, CUNY and the Hungarian Academy 
of Sciences.

GEOMETRIC GRAPH THEORY is an emerging new discipline at the 
borderline of computer science and discrete mathematics, 
abounding in open problems, which has been developed to   address
the fundamental questions that arise in graph drawing. During 
the past decade Geometric Graph Theory yielded many striking 
results that have proved to be instrumental for the solution 
of a variety of problems in combinatorial and computational 
geometry. The better understanding of this field will be 
beneficial to researchers in many branches of mathematics 
and computer science.

Professor Pach will deliver ten one-hour lectures. His 
lectures are designed to introduce a broad range of classical 
methods applicable in Geometric Graph Theory as well as many 
recent developments and their applications in combinatorial 
and computational geometry. 

The opening lecture will be given by Professor Ronald L.
Graham (UC San Diego). The program will also include
special invited lectures by Professors Branko Grunbaum
(University of Washington), Daniel J. Kleitman (M.I.T),
Takao Nishizeki (Tahoku University), Miklos Simonovits
(Renyi Institute), Endre Szemeredi (Rutgers University),
Roberto Tamassia (Brown University), Robin Thomas
(Georgia Tech.) and   William T. Trotter (Arizona State and
Georgia Tech.).  

There will be ample opportunities for discussions and interactions
among the  participants.
Applications for participation are invited from anyone 
interested in this or in a related area, in particular, 
from researchers in discrete and computational geometry, 
graph theory, combinatorics, topology, theory of algorithms, 
and graph drawing. WOMEN and MINORITIES are especially
encouraged to apply. GRADUATE STUDENTS are welcome to apply.

Application for participation and for financial support 
should be made as soon as possible but no later than 
March 15, 2002. Inclusion of resume and/or statement of 
current research interests from junior researchers and 
from graduate students would be helpful in the selection 
process. This NSF-CBMS conference is funded by the National 
Science Foundation. Matching funds have been provided  by the
University of  North Texas. Up-to-date online information and application 
forms are available at our website:

For more details contact 
       Organizing Committee Chair 
       e-mail:farhad at cs.unt.edu 


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