Call for papers: 18th ACM Sumposium on Computational Geometry

Subhash Suri suri at
Thu Nov 1 16:26:18 PST 2001

                ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002

                                 June 5-7, 2002

                Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

                       Sponsored by ACM SIGACT and SIGGRAPH



                         Call For Papers and Videos

The Eighteenth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, featuring both
theoretical and applied research, and a video review, will be held at
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. We invite
high-quality submissions in the following research areas:

   * Geometric algorithms or combinatorial geometry theory;
   * Implementation issues or applications of computational geometry.

The accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings format by
ACM and distributed at the symposium. The proceedings will also be available
separately for purchase from ACM. A selection of papers from the conference
will be invited to special issues of journals. For the first time this year,
there will be a prize for the best student-authored paper (see below).

The Program Co-Chairs have assembled a committee spanning both theoretical
and applied interests in computational geometry in an effort to encourage
submissions to both a theoretical track and an applied (or experimental)
track of the conference. Topics for the theoretical track include, but are
not limited to design and theoretical analysis of geometric algorithms and
data structures; lower bounds for geometric problems; and discrete and
combinatorial geometry. Topics for the applied track include, but are not
limited to experimental analysis of algorithms and data structures;
mathematical and numerical issues arising from implementations; and novel
uses of computational geometry in other disciplines, such as robotics,
computer graphics, geometric and solid modeling, manufacturing, geographical
information systems, and molecular biology. See below for additional
information on the two tracks.

Paper Submission

Electronic submissions are preferred, but authors may instead mail 8 copies
of an extended abstract to arrive by December 7, 2001 to either of the two
Program Co-Chairs

            Subhash Suri                        Chandrajit Bajaj

     Dept. of  Computer Science            Dept. of  Computer Sciences
     University of California		   University of  Texas, Austin
     Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA          Austin, TX 78733, USA
     Phone: (805) 893-8856		   Phone: (512) 471-8870
     suri at			   bajaj at

Important Dates

 December 7, 2001: Papers due
 February 8, 2002: Video submissions due
 February 15, 2002:Notification of acceptance or rejection of papers
 February 22, 2002:Notification of acceptance or rejection of videos
 March 15, 2002:   Camera-ready papers and video abstracts due
 April 5, 2002:    Final versions of videos due
 June 5-7, 2002:   Symposium

Submission Guidelines

Papers should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract, which begins
with the title of the paper, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail
address, followed by a succinct statement of the problems and goals that are
considered in the paper, the main results achieved, the significance of the
work in the context of previous research, and a comparison to past research.
The abstract should provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee
to evaluate the validity, quality, and relevance of the contribution. The
entire extended abstract should not exceed 10 pages, using 11 point or
larger font and with at least one-inch margins all around. If the authors
consider it absolutely essential to include additional technical details
that do not fit into 10 pages, these details may be added in a clearly
marked appendix that should appear after the body of the paper and the
references; this appendix will not be regarded as a part of the submission
and will be considered only at the program committee's discretion.

Optionally, authors may also indicate their preference as to which of the
two tracks (theoretical or applied) the submission is targeted; however, the
program committee will exercise its discretion in how best to handle each

Abstracts in hard copy must be received by December 7, 2001. Abstracts in
electronic form are due by December 7, 5:00 PM PST. These are firm
deadlines: late submissions will not be considered. Authors will be notified
of acceptance or rejection by February 15, 2002. A full version of each
contribution in final form will be due by March 15, 2002 for inclusion in
the proceedings.

Best Student Paper Award

A prize will be given to the author(s) of the best student-authored paper.
The program committee may decline to make the award, or may split it among
more than one paper. A paper is eligible if all of its authors are full-time
students at the time of submission. This must be indicated in the submission
cover letter or (for electronic submissions) during the on-line registration

Conference Chairs

Ferran Hurtado and Vera Sacristán

Program Committee

     Pankaj Agarwal (Duke)
     Nina Amenta (U of Texas at Austin)
     Esther Arkin (SUNY Stony Brook)
     Chandrajit Bajaj Co-Chair (U of Texas at Austin)
     Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (INRIA)
     Siu-Wing Cheng (UST, Hong Kong)
     Michael Goodrich (UC Irvine)
     John Hershberger (Mentor Graphics)
     Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht)
     Victor Milenkovic (U of Miami)
     Günter Rote (FU Berlin)
     Jorg-Rudiger Sack (University of Carleton)
     Jonathan Shewchuk (UC Berkeley)
     Jorge Stolfi (UNICAMP, Brazil)
     Subhash Suri Co-Chair (U of California, Santa Barbara)
     Steve Vavasis (Cornell University)

Call For Videos

Videos are sought for a video review of computational geometry. This video
review showcases the use of visualization in computational geometry for
exposition and education, as an interface and a debugging tool in software
development, and for the visual exploration of geometry in research.
Algorithm animations, visual explanations of structural theorems,
descriptions of applications of computational geometry, and demonstrations
of software systems are all appropriate. Videos that accompany papers
submitted to the technical program committee are encouraged.

Video Submission

Authors should send one preview copy of a videotape to the address below by
February 8, 2002. The videotape should be at most eight minutes long (three
to five minutes, preferred), and be in VHS NTSC or VHS PAL format. Each
video tape must be accompanied by a one- or two-page description of the
material shown in the video, and where applicable, the techniques used in
the implementation. Please format descriptions following the guidelines for
ACM proceedings. Additional material describing the contents of the videos,
such as the full text of accompanying papers, may also be included.
Textual material may be submitted electronically by e-mailing either the URL
of a PostScript file (preferred) or the PostScript file itself. If
electronic submission is impossible, authors should include five hardcopies
of the accompanying text with their video.
Videotapes and accompanying text should be sent to
                               Gill Barequet
                        Faculty of Computer Science
                              The Technion-IIT
                            Haifa 32000, Israel
                          Phone: +972 (4) 829-3219
                           Fax: +972 (4) 822-1128
                         barequet at

For customs purposes, it is best to declare a value of $5. If you have
questions, please contact the committee chair.


Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection, and given reviewers'
comments by February 22, 2002. For each accepted video, the final version of
the textual description will be due by March 15, 2002 for inclusion in the
proceedings. Final versions of accepted videos will be due April 5, 2002 in
the best format available. The accepted videos will be edited onto one tape,
which will be shown at the conference and will be distributed to the

Video Program Committee

     Gill Barequet, Chair (Technion)
     Matthew Katz (Ben Gurion)
     Subodh Kumar (Johns Hopkins)
     Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv)
     Ayellet Tal (Technion)

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