
Antonio Barragan-Guaymare ajbg96r at
Mon Sep 25 17:31:37 PDT 2000

Dear All

I have come across the following problem:

A set of points, each given by its (x,y,z) coordinates in 3D is given.
These points are known to be coplanar.

Then the following two questions arise:
- Is there a way to know if these points can be arranged to form a
single, closed polygon?
- Is there a way to know if these points can be arranged to form several
closed polygons?
- Is there a way to construct such polygon(s)?

This arises when a planar polyhedron, given by a collection of points,
faces and edges,
is "cut" by an arbitrary plane.

Another way of stating  the problem is:
To determine the closed polygon(s) resulting from the intersection of
the polyhedron and the plane.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Antonio Barragan
University of Southampton
Concurrent Computation Group
Building 59
Level 3 Room 3237
Southampton SO17 1BJ
Fax: 00-44-2380-593903

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