ACM Symposium on Computional Geometry 2001: Call for Papers

Diane Souvaine dls at
Sat Sep 2 15:20:51 PDT 2000

                             CALL FOR PAPERS   
                     Seventeenth Annual Symposium on   
                          COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY   
                             June 3--5, 2001  
                Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts  

                Sponsored by ACM SIGACT and ACM SIGGRAPH 
The Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, featuring an 
applied track, a theoretical track, and a video review, will be held at 
Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts.  We invite high-quality submissions 
in the following areas:

* geometric algorithms or combinatorial geometry, for the theoretical track, OR
* implementation issues or applications of computational geometry, for the 
  applied track.

The proceedings, with the papers of both tracks, will be distributed at the 
symposium and will subsequently be available for purchase from ACM.  A 
selection of papers will be invited to special issues of journals.  During 
the conference, sessions of presentations will alternate between the two tracks, 
rather than being in parallel.  

Topics for the theoretical track include, but are not limited to design and 
theoretical analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures; lower bounds 
for geometric problems; and discrete and combinatorial geometry.
Topics for the applied track include, but are not limited to experimental 
analysis of algorithms and data structures; mathematical and numerical issues 
arising from implementations; and novel uses of computational geometry in other 
disciplines, such as robotics, computer graphics, geometric and solid modeling, 
manufacturing, geographical information systems, and molecular biology.

Electronic submissions are preferred for the THEORETICAL TRACK (see web
page above for instructions), but authors may instead mail 8 copies of
an extended abstract to arrive by *****DECEMBER 6, 2000****** to

     David Eppstein 
     Dept. of Information Computer Science, 
     University of California, Irvine, 
     Irvine, CA 92697-3425 USA.  
     Phone: (949) 824-6384; Email: eppstein at

Electronic submissions are preferred for the APPLIED TRACK (see web
page above for instructions), but authors may instead mail 10 copies of
an extended abstract to arrive by *****DECEMBER 6, 2000****** to

     Dan Halperin 
     School of Computer Science 
     Schreiber Building, Rm 219 
     Tel Aviv University 
     Tel Aviv 69978 Israel 
     Phone: +972-3-640-6478; Email: halperin at 

   December 6, 2000:    Papers due, both tracks 
   February 13, 2001:   Video submissions due 
   February 15, 2001:   Notification of acceptance or rejection of papers  
   March 1, 2001:       Notification of acceptance or rejection of videos  
   March 15, 2001:      Camera-ready papers due 
   April 15, 2001:      Final versions of videos due 
   June 3--5, 2001:     Symposium
Papers that primarily address practical issues and implementation experience, 
even if not tied to a particular application domain, should be submitted to the 
applied track.  Papers that primarily prove theorems should be submitted to the 
theoretical track.  Most experimental work should be submitted to the applied 
track; an exception would be experiments in support of mathematical investigations.  
Submissions to one track may be forwarded to the other for consideration, 
unless the authors have explicitly stated interest in one track only.

Papers should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract.  Papers should 
begin with the title of the paper, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail 
address, followed by a succinct statement of the problems and goals that are 
considered in the paper, the main results achieved, the significance of the work 
in the context of previous research, and a comparison to past research. The abstract
should provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to evaluate the 
validity, quality, and relevance of the contribution. The entire extended abstract 
should not exceed 10 pages, using 11 point or larger font and with at least 
one-inch margins all around.  For cases in which the authors consider it absolutely 
essential to include additional technical details that do not fit into 10 pages, 
these details may be added in a clearly marked appendix that should appear after the 
body of the paper and the references; this appendix will not be regarded as a part 
of the submission and will be considered only at the program committee's discretion.

Abstracts in hard copy must be received by December 6, 2000, or postmarked by 
November 29 and sent airmail.  Abstracts in electronic form are due by December 6, 
5:00 PM EST.  These are firm deadlines: late submissions will not be considered.  
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 15, 2001.  A full 
version of each contribution in final form will be due by March 15, 2001 for 
inclusion in the proceedings.

Theoretical Track Program Committee:       Applied Track Program Committee:
Boris Aronov (Polytechnic U, Brooklyn)     Nancy Amato (Texas A )  
Otfried Cheong (Utrecht U)                 Karl Bo"hringer (U Washington, Seattle)  
Jesu's De Loera (UC Davis)                 Franca Gianini (IMA, Genova)              
David Eppstein, Chair (UC Irvine)          Lutz Kettner (UNC Chapel Hill)         
Sariel Har-Peled (UI Urbana Champaign)     Dan Halperin, Chair (Tel Aviv U)                   
Piotr Indyk (MIT)                          Kurt Mehlhorn (MPII, Saarbru"cken)
Edgar A. Ramos (MPII Saarbru"cken)         Mark Overmars (Utrecht U)                   
Ileana Streinu (Smith College)             Seth Teller (MIT)                   
                                           Peter Widmayer (ETH Zurich)  
Conference Chair:                          Mariette Yvinec (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)  

Diane L.Souvaine (Tufts U) <dls at>


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