ASE Special Issue on Software Engineering for Mobility (Call for Papers)

murphy at murphy at
Tue Oct 10 20:04:47 PDT 2000

Kluwer Journal of Automated Software Engineering
 Special Issue on Software Engineering for Mobility
 Call for papers
 The integration between computing and communication represents one of the most
 important technological developments of the last decade, a phenomenon marked
 by significant economic and social changes centered mostly on the Internet.
 The goal of this special issue is to examine the next major wave of
 technological changes in the computing environment, the integration of
 computing, communication, and mobility. In its broadest sense, mobility
 involves the migration of computing components through some logical or
 physical space.  Physical components provide the platform for applications
 designed to cope with changes in physical location and connectivity to both
 wired and wireless networks.  Physical components can assume a large diversity
 of forms including sensors, personal digital assistants, laptops, and large
 computing platforms residing on vehicles including cars, ships, or airplanes.
 Movement may happen across geographical regions or in the confines of a single
 building.  Applications executing on such platforms may act in isolation, may
 coordinate with components in close proximity, or may access resources on a
 fixed network.  Mobile components can also come in the shape of logical units
 such as code fragments or active programs.  The latter carry both code and
 execution state among fixed and mobile hosts, exploiting locality of resources
 and computation.  A feature typical of all mobile environments is the need to
 adapt to a constantly changing context that is affected by variability of
 network characteristics, changes in the availability of resources, and
 heterogeneity among participating platforms.  For these and other reasons,
 mobility is associated with increases in the complexity of the software
 development process.  New software engineering techniques are needed to
 address the challenges posed by the development of software for physical and
 logical mobile environments.
 This special issue is intended to highlight new research that advances the
 understanding of critical issues in mobility and proposes viable solutions for
 the software engineering of systems that involve mobility in all its
 forms. Submissions are not restricted in any way.  Topics of special interest
 include middleware tailored to mobility, tools to aid in the design of mobile
 systems, models that capture fundamental properties of mobility and enable
 formal reasoning about mobile systems, coordination techniques which address
 adaptability and security, and algorithms that solve fundamental problems in
 Submission guidelines
 Authors are invited to submit an electronic version of their contribution in
 PostScript or PDF to murphy at, using ASE2001 in the subject
 line. Submissions must be received by January 5, 2001.  Manuscripts must be in
 English, single-spaced, 12 point font size, and 15 pages maximum.  In addition
 to the electronic version of the paper, the email submission should include a
 text-only version of the title, author(s) name and affiliation, abstract, and
 the name and address (both postal and electronic) for the contact author.
 Papers submitted for consideration by the special issue must represent
 original unpublished work. No version of the paper may be submitted
 concurrently to any other journal or conference. Any manuscript failing to
 meet this condition will be rejected outright.
 Important dates
 Publication of the special issue is expected in 2001.
 January 5, 2001     Submission Deadline
 March 23, 2001      First round review notification
 May 18, 2001        Re-submission revised papers
 July 13, 2001       Second round review notification
 September 7, 2001   Submission of final revisions
 Editors of the special issue
 Gruia-Catalin Roman			Amy L. Murphy
 Department of Computer Science	        Department of Computer Science
 Washington University			University of Rochester
 Campus Box 1045				P.O. Box 270226
 Saint Louis, MO 63130 USA		Rochester, NY 14627 USA
 roman at			murphy at
 Kluwer Journal of Automated Software Engineering
 This Journal is an archival, peer-reviewed journal publishing research,
 tutorial papers, survey and accounts of significant industrial experience in
 the foundations, techniques, tools and applications of automated software
 engineering technology. This includes the study of techniques for
 constructing, understanding, adapting, and modeling software artifacts and
 processes. Both automatic systems and collaborative systems are within the
 scope of the journal, as are computational models of human software
 engineering activities. Knowledge representations and artificial intelligence
 techniques applicable to automated software engineering are of interest, as
 are formal techniques that support or provide theoretical foundations.

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