Bruce Randall Donald brd at cs.dartmouth.edu
Fri Jul 2 14:30:49 PDT 1999

The Fourth International Workshop on the
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics

March 16-18 2000
Hanover, New Hampshire

Robot algorithms are abstractions of computational processes that
control or reason about motion and perception in the physical world.
The computation may be implemented in software, hard-wired
electronics, biomolecular mechanisms, or purely mechanical devices.
Because actions in the physical world are subject to physical laws and
geometric constraints, the design and analysis of robot algorithms
raises a unique combination of questions in control theory,
computational and differential geometry, and computer science.
Algorithms serve as a unifying theme in the multi-disciplinary field
of robotics.

WAFR aims at bringing together a group of about sixty researchers to
discuss recent trends and important future directions of research on
the algorithmic foundations of robotics.  The workshop consists of
invited talks by key researchers in the field and twenty contributed
presentations in a single track.  The proceedings will be published in
a hard-cover volume.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited

  * geometric algorithms
  * minimalist and underactuated robotics
  * manufacturing and assembly
  * holonomic and nonholonomic motion planning
  * manipulation planning
  * sensor-based planning
  * controllability, complexity, and completeness
  * task-level planning
  * grasping and fixturing
  * physically realistic simulation
  * navigation
  * computational biology
  * modular and reconfigurable robots
  * distributed manipulation


Participants will stay at the historic Hanover Inn on the Appalachian
Trail, near the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  The workshop will
take place on the Dartmouth campus.


Authors are invited to submit four (4) copies of a full paper by
December 1, 1999 to

Prof. Kevin Lynch
Mechanical Engineering Department
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208

Authors will be notified of the disposition of their papers by January
20, 2000.  Camera-ready copies of the papers are due by February 20.
These will be distributed to the workshop participants.  Final
versions of the papers for publication are due after the workshop.


Bruce Donald, Dartmouth
Kevin Lynch, Northwestern
Daniela Rus, Dartmouth


Pankaj Agarwal, Duke
Srinivas Akella, UIUC
Nancy Amato, Texas A&M
Antonio Bicchi, U. Pisa
Bruce Donald, Dartmouth
Kamal Kant Gupta, Simon Frasier
Leslie Kaelbling, Brown
Makoto Kaneko, U. Hiroshima
David Kriegman, UIUC
Steve LaValle, Iowa State
Kevin Lynch, Northwestern
Dinesh Manocha, UNC
Jim Ostrowski, U. Pennsylvania
John Reif, Duke
Daniela Rus, Dartmouth
Elisha Sacks, Purdue

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