Auto-contouring algorithms

Paul Heckbert ph+ at
Wed Feb 9 20:53:22 PST 2005

MessageThere is code for computing a 3D contour surface in a grid in the article

AUTHOR={Jules Bloomenthal},
TITLE={An Implicit Surface Polygonizer},
BOOKTITLE={Graphics Gems IV},
EDITOR={Paul Heckbert},
PUBLISHER={Academic Press},
KEYWORDS={iso-surface, marching cubes, polygonization},
Gives code to polygonize an arbitrary implicit surface.  Polygonization
is a common approach to implicit surface rendering and volume
rendering.  When combined with code for trilinear interpolation code, a
program for polygonizing volume data can easily be constructed.  The
resulting polygonizations will be superior to those generated by the
``Marching Cubes'' algorithm, in many cases.  Contains C code.
FTP={code in pub/Graphics/GraphicsGems/GemsIV/GGemsIV.tar.Z},

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ted Hill 
  To: compgeom-discuss at 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 9:31 AM
  Subject: Auto-contouring algorithms


  Is anyone aware of a source that discusses algorithms for "automated contour location."

  This is related to medical imaging: for example

  1. On a 2D image (e.g. a digital x-ray image) draw a contour line that separates bone from less dense tissue.

  2. In a 3D image (e.g. a CAT-scan) find the surface that encloses bone and separates it from less dense tissue.

  I am assume that there are some published algorithms and am interested in how then compare vis-a-vis order of complexity.

  Thank you,

  Ted Hill
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