VMV 2004 Call for Participation

Stefan E Funke sfunke at stanford.edu
Mon Oct 4 00:02:15 PDT 2004

(please forward to potentially interested students, postdocs, 
researchers, faculty)


		    9th International Fall Workshop


			November 16 - 18, 2004
			Stanford (California), USA


	organized by:

		Stanford University
		MPI for Computer Science
		Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication

The program consists of invited talks by internationally renowned 
speakers, as well as poster presentations
of contributed papers. To preserve a workshop atmosphere, attendance 
might be limited,
with preference given to active participants.

Invited Speakers:

     Paul Debevec, USC
     Tom Ertl, U Stuttgart
     Eugene Fiume, U Toronto
     Leo Guibas, Stanford
     Marc Levoy, Stanford
     Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley
     Tom Malzbender, HP Labs
     Pietro Perona, CalTech
     Mark Pollefeys, UNC
     Holly Rushmeier, Yale
     Roberto Scopigno, CNR
     Rick Szeliski, Microsoft
     Seth Teller, MIT
     Brian Wandell, Stanford
     Avideh Zakhor, UC Berkeley

Accepted contributed papers cover current research in the areas of 3-D 
analysis and 3-D image synthesis, and their convergence such as:

     * 3-D imaging
     * Object localization and recognition
     * Volume data processing and visualization
     * Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration
     * 3-D structure from motion and stereo
     * 3-D video processing
     * Geometry-based and image-based rendering
     * Geometric modeling
     * Scene modeling and integration
     * Realistic rendering
     * Animation
     * Multi-view image processing and coding
     * Virtual Reality
     * Applications (medicine, robotics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, 
automated inspection, communication, etc.)

See the workshop webpage for an updated technical program.


The early registration fee BEFORE OCT 15th is $200/$350 for students 
and non-students respectively.
After Oct 15th a late registration fee of $250/$425 applies.

The registration fee covers proceedings as well as the welcome
reception and the workshop dinner.

See the VMV webpage for online registration.

Location & Travel Information
The meeting will be held at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 
conveniently located in the close
proximity to San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
Detailed travel information can be found on the workshop webpage.

We have arranged special prices for participants of the VMV 2004 with a 
number of hotels.
Details can be found on the VMV webpage.


Web Site and Contact:

     Web site: http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/conferences/vmv04/
     E-mail: vmv04 at mpi-sb.mpg.de

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