Union of 3D polyhedra

Saurabh Sethia saurabh at cs.orst.edu
Wed Jun 12 03:06:18 PDT 2002

Dear Geometers:

I need a reference that gives the best known theoretical upper bound on
the complexity of computing the union of a bunch of simple polyhedron in 3D.
Let the total size of all polyhedrons be $n$.  Let the size of union be $u$.
And let the size of the arrangement of these polyhedrons be $a$.  While it will
be nice to have a result in terms of $n$ and $u$, I will be happy if I find
a reference that gives a bound in terms of $n$ and $a$.

It will also be useful to me to know the upper bound if the polyhedrons were
convex.  Note that I need the algorithmic complexity and not a combinatorial
bound on the output size.

I have looked at the two computational geometry handbooks but havn´t found
anything.  Please send me email if you know about this.  I will post a
summary of responses I receive (if any).


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