2002 Symposium on Computational Geometry---Accepted Videos

Gill Barequet barequet at cs.Technion.AC.IL
Fri Feb 22 10:20:20 PST 2002

SoCG '02 Accepted Videos

1.  Exact Minkowski Sums and Applications,
    Eyal Flato, Efi Fogel, Dan Halperin, and Eran Leiserowitz

2.  Homotopy Techniques for Real-Time Visualization of Geometric Tangent
    Daniel Kotzor and Thorsten Theobald

3.  Growing Fat Graphs,
    Alon Efrat, Stephen Kobourov, Martin Stepp, and Carola Wenk

4.  AUTO-FOLLOW: Getting a Piece of the Action All the Time,
    Alexander Bogomjakov and Chaim Gotsman

5.  Adventures of Moebius Band,
    Stanislav Klimenko, Gregory M. Nielson, Lialia Nikitina, and Igor Nikitin

Gill Barequet
Video Committee Chair

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