SWIFT++: A new collision detection package

Stephen Ehmann ehmann at cs.unc.edu
Thu May 10 01:04:35 PDT 2001

SWIFT++:  Speedy Walking via Improved Feature Testing for Non-Convex Objects

We announce the release of a new proximity query package called SWIFT++.
SWIFT++ is a C++ library for intersection detection, tolerance verification,
exact and approximate distance computation, and contact determination of
general three-dimensional polyhedral objects undergoing rigid motion.
Polyhedral surfaces may have boundary.

SWIFT++ combines convex surface decomposition with a convex bounding volume
hierarchy and Voronoi based walking (first proposed by Lin and Canny).
It has been successfully applied to dynamic simulation and haptic applications.
It is free for non-commercial use.

More information about the package, new proximity query algorithms, MPEG
demonstrations and related publications can be found at:


Collide Research Group
Computer Science Department
University of North Carolina

Stephen A. Ehmann
Graduate Student -- Research Assistant -- GAMMA group -- Collision Detection
Department of Computer Science                   E-mail: ehmann at cs.unc.edu
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill      Web:    www.cs.unc.edu/~ehmann

(( A man's life is but a breath. -- SPOKEN ))

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