Curves Morphing on Trimed Surfaces.

ergin duran erginduran at
Mon Jan 24 13:15:27 PST 2000

The description: multi curve contour morphing on multi surfaces (trimmed). 
Therefore, the equation of the curves must follow the equation of the 
surfaces. In some cases one curve must follow an equation of two trimmed 
surface equation with the small gap in between. The definitions of the 
surfaces and curves can be in any form, such as Bezier or Nurbs ..
I know sound a little weird but is there any thing similar. At least one can 
give me some ideas on the limitations of the current computational solutions 
available on internet or in some books or some publications…?
I will appreciate for any answer related.

My name is Ergin Duran
e-mail address : erginduran at

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