SAICSIT'99: first announcement and call for papers

Ian Sanders ian at
Mon Mar 1 10:55:08 PST 1999

SAICSIT'99: Prepare for the New Millennium
Johannesburg, South Africa

The South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information
Technologists Annual Conference 17-19 November 1999

Conference Theme
For computers, 2000 is a big year because of the Y2k problem. Pedants may
argue that the millennium starts in 2001, but 2000 is a big enough occasion
if we can survive it. Are Computer Science and Information Systems
academics and professionals ready for the new millennium?

This conference is an opportunity to present papers on good ideas for the
future of our area. The ACM and IEEE are currently debating Curriculum
2001. What should change? How much is fundamental? What will the hot issues
of the next decade be? What can we learn from both developments in academia
and best current practice in industry?

South Africa has a strong tradition of research in Computer Science and
Information Systems education, so this is likely to be a focus for some of
the best contributions. However, papers in all areas of Computer Science
and Information Systems are welcome. We would be especially interested to
have experience papers from industry, to guide us in our future work.

We have a strong programme committee to ensure that the quality of papers
will be high. We also have a commitment to encourage new researchers to
publish, with a new ideas track, and industry players to contribute, in an
experience papers track.

Call for Papers
Areas in which papers are solicited include, but are not restricted to:

       AI, robotics and expert systems
       acoustic rendering
       computational geometry
       Computer Science education
       computer architecture
       computer graphics
       computer vision
       database systems
       electronic commerce
       formal methods and verification
       gender issues
       human computer interaction
       information management in commercial supply chains
       Information Systems education
       IS Strategy
       IT management
       methods of discrete optimisation
       multimedia and education
       object oriented systems, languages and design
       parallel and distributed computing
       programming languages
       software engineering
       virtual reality

Papers will be considered in three categories:

* research papers: reviewed to standard of South African
  Computer Journal
* ideas papers: papers not yet ready for journal publication
  but which contain an interesting idea
* experience papers: papers which may not have the degree of
  novelty or academic contribution of a research papers, but
  which add to knowledge of practice in the field

All papers will appear in a special issue of South African Computer
Journal, with the papers which match SACJ's review standards specifically
identified as research papers.

How to Submit
See the detailed call for proposals at

Need to know more? Send mail to saicsit99-info at, or consult
the conference web pages at

Key Dates
* Papers due: 22 July 1999
* Acceptances due: 27 August 1999
* final corrections due: 24 September 1999
* Conference dates 17-19 November 1999

Philip Machanick                Department of Computer Science
University of the Witwatersrand,    2050 Wits,    South Africa
phone 27(11) 716-4542                    fax 339-3513/403-9317  mailto:philip at

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