Java Polygon & Point Editors

Eden Eden at Cs.McGill.Ca
Sat Jan 2 16:57:38 PST 1999

JeoEdit: Java Polygon & Point Editors
         created by Mark Grundland for Godfried Toussaint
         Computational Geometry Lab
         School of Computer Science at McGill University
         Montreal, Canada

The JeoEdit package, consisting of the JeoEditPoints applet and the
JeoEditPolygon applet, is a set of Java visual editors for computational
geometry. Their mission is to help the computational geometry community to
realize its algorithms and theorems on the internet, by providing a
flexible and easy interface for drawing a set of points or a polygon as
well as the means to communicate this geometric information to any applet.
These ready-to-use editors focus on user interaction while your applet can
concentrate on algorithmic calculation. The advantage of using the JeoEdit
editors is that, by providing a self-contained user interface for
manipulating geometric structures, they leave you free to create the applet
of your dreams without having to worry about how that interface works.

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